then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
John 8:32

World missions was born in the God's heart.

The Word of Life Church desires to recruit, train and send their missionaries. For this is a task of the Church: to bring the message of Biblical Faith unto all nations; thus fulfilling the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ.
To act as facilitators for the missionaries to effectively fulfill the calling and ministry that the Lord Jesus Christ granted; mediating the relationship of those in the field with standing at the base of the local Church, through a continuous and updated communication.
We work to see our missionaries full of faith and guided by the Holy Spirit to flourish in the place where the Lord send; being a support for them, enabling the collection and dispatch of sustenance, overseeing the work and disseminating what has been done to guide the brothers who are helping and praying to exercise their role effectively.
For our local Evangelism schedule please click here.